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First Tuesday current affairs discussion - Tuesday 3 September 7:00pm start

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First Tuesday Current Affairs Forum
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For News Review on 2 Oct 2018

The young voter is feted

Attitudes towards an ageing population

by Jane Turner


This week we heard from yet another irate group trying to stop Brexit. Our Future Our Choice (OFOC) say that because they are young, and not old, they will have to live with the consequences of leaving the European Union (which they presume will be terrible). Should their votes matter more than those of older voters? They blame elderly voters for jeopardising their future and argue that the young matter more than the old, because us old fossils won’t be around to experience a post-Brexit society - in their view apocalyptic.

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For News Review on 2 Oct 2018

Hylas and the nymphs

A curatorial crisis of confidence?

by Mark Iddon


A pre-Raphaelite painting, Hylas and the Nymphs 1896 by JW Waterhouse, was taken down from Manchester Art Gallery on January 26th. The act was filmed for a piece in the forthcoming exhibition by the artist Sonia Boyce. The picture is of a Greek mythological scene in which Hylas, the Argonaut and armour bearer for Hercules, in search of water happens upon a pool of naked water nymphs or Naiads. According to legend, they were so taken with his handsome, youthful appearance that they lured him to the water and he was never seen again. The room in which it was hung was named ‘In pursuit of beauty’.

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For News Review on 2 Oct 2018

Return of Royalty

The return of royalty

by Simon Belt


The Royal family have been in the news quite a bit recently, and as a republican myself it's definitely irritating and, in a way, heartening. It's irritating that the royals are still in place and have such widespread coverage, especially around their patronising 'campaigning' work. Whilst they play at being just like the rest of us, they eat away at the mystery of what makes them royalty. In a funny way, they are merely demonstrating that it is simply privilege and wealth that separates us, and that isn't a good enough reason for them to be royal.

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For News Review on 2 Oct 2018

Looking back in anger

Looking back in anger

by Mark Iddon


A suicide bomber, later identified as Salman Abedi, managed to detonate a bomb in the foyer of the Manchester Arena on 22nd May 2017, as young music fans were leaving following a concert by the American superstar singer Ariana Grande. The bomb killed 22 people, injured many more and will be an evening that anyone connected with the events will never forget.

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For News Review on 2 Oct 2018

Voting for democracy

Voting for democracy

by Simon Belt


2018 marks the 100 year anniversary of the Representation of the People Act (1918), granting the franchise to women over the age of 30 who met a property qualification, whilst extending it to all men over the age of 21, but layin the ground for representation through voting to become universal and equally available to men and women alike. It's worth looking at the principles involved in voting, lest the efforts of the suffragette movement be lost.

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