
Theatre Reviews

The scope of this category is to publish reviews of theatrical performances - by people based around Manchester, performances around Manchester, performances relating to Manchester, and reviews written by people around Manchester. Contributions and suggestions on how best to structure and solicit these reviews are welcome, though to date they are usually written by participants in Salon discussions who are offered press tickets to performances so they can review them. There is no obligation at any stage that reviews have to be positive to the organisation providing the press tickets, as critically capturing something of the moment is the key objective in reviewing any performances. We do though provide a link from the review to the website of the production for readers of the review.


Suffice to say that the site cannot pay for contributions, but links from the reviews are possible where they are relevant. Please Email me your theatrical performance reviews to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .


Simon Belt

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