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First Tuesday current affairs discussion - Tuesday 3 September 7:00pm start

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For News Review on 2 Oct 2018

Depoliticising the NHSDepoliticising the NHS

by Simon Belt


Whenever politicians seem to be floundering, stuck for a sense of purpose or need to make a connection with the electorate these day, the NHS is called upon to provide that comfort blanket. Gone are the days when church, the family, or more latterly, education would help a politician feel grounded by being associated with them. Today, only the NHS seems to do the job.


Danny Boyle's opening ceremony of the Olympics in 2012 showed just how important the NHS is to creating a sense of national being and purpose. It's presented as radical but is little more than a secular form of god and family, for a society that has little sense of what it is. It's time we took the politicians out of the NHS and let it get on with providing health care for those needing it rather than therapy and secular crutches in our godless world.

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